Course Description

Do you want your grandchildren to know the fascinating person you REALLY are?

What this course will include:

  • 5 keys that will make your story grrrrrreat
  • How to add sound effects, music and interactive play to make your audio story fun
  • How to record, edit, save and send your audio story to your grandkids

This course helps baby-boomer grandparents overcome the fear, self-doubt and overwhelm of writing and recording their life stories, by giving them a step-by-step method that makes it easy to express the heart of their message in their own voice, so they can leave a legacy their grandkids and family will cherish and enjoy forever.

By the end of this e-course you will have recorded a great story, edited out the bloopers, added sound effects and sent the audio story to your grandchild.

If you need additional help along the way, please check out my Story Coaching & Audio EditingServices.


Nancy's course turned out to be easier to use than I thought! The course exceeded my expectations in the depth of information supplied. Excellent content and assignments, very well organized, with clear and concise instructions about how to use technology, prepare my stories, and rediscover memories I had forgotten. Nancy was always there supporting me and ready if I needed help. It was a delightful experience! I look forward to taking another class from Nancy.

Sue Stepnow MacLeod, Inverhuron, ON (Listen to my story on the Audio Legacy Page)

Nancy is an excellent, enthusiastic instructor who really knows her stuff. She had the brilliant insight to see a need for passing down our story gems – one generation to the next. Creating Audio Memoirs is a well-designed course that was broken down into bite-sized pieces that made learning easy for me. Nancy put a huge amount of time and dedication into showing step-by-step how it is possible even for those who aren’t a whiz on the computer, to create a great audio story. I liked that the course included exercises and worksheets to help me build my story as I progressed. Nancy’s support was first rate, always providing positive feedback. Great course! I highly recommend it to all grandparents . . . it’s not too late.

Margie Austman, Kincardine, ON

I have a lot of stories to tell but I was afraid to tell them. It’s difficult when you don’t know what people will think of you. But Nancy's course showed me a really easy way to find the story that was the most important to me and jump right into writing it. I’ve never told this story to anyone before and she made me feel comfortable. I had a fun time working with her and I’m excited to do more. Casey Hetman, Point Clark, ON (Listen to my story on the Audio Legacy page)

I have a new grandson and I want to tell him stories but he lives a couple hours away. So I took the E-course Learning to Record Stories for Your Grandchildren by Nancy. I truly enjoyed all the lessons. When it came to downloading Audacity and lame, I must admit, I had my doubts. I am not a computer whiz by any means. I was curious about how others might instruct a person to use the software and YOURS was much nicer to listen to and much easier to follow. YOU really need to put yours on utube. I found that Nancy's pace and step by step instruction was great! And I did it! Thanks Nancy for that! Now I am on my way to recording stories.

Bonny MacVicar, Cambridge, ON


Q. What kind of equipment do I need to take this course?

A. You can take the course using your laptop computer, desktop computer, iPad, Smartphone, or other standard devices. BUT in order to create your audio stories you need a laptop computer, desktop computer, or other computer-type device that allows you to download and use Audacity Recording software.

Q. What kind of microphone do I need?

A. The best type of microphone to use, and the most affordable, is a USB headset mic that plugs into the USB port on your computer device. The better your microphone quality, the better the sound quality of your audio recording. You can also use your computer's built-in mic, but the more distance between your microphone and your voice, the more ambient sounds you will pick up, lowering the quality of your recording.

Q. Do I need to buy anything extra to get good results from this course?

A. No, everything you need is included in this course or can be downloaded for free.

Q. How will my grandchildren hear my story if we live on opposite sides of the country?

A. This course has a whole lesson devoted to getting your story to your grandchildren and loved ones. You will be shown how to deliver your audio memoir digitally to as many people as you like as often as you like.

Q. I haven't written a story since I was in school. What if I don't remember how?

A. You have nothing to worry about. The first 2 lessons in this course walk you though the steps of writing a great story. Each step is broken down into bite-size pieces and I have added lots of practical examples. I've also included worksheets so you can build your story as you go, one step at a time.

Q. I don't learn well by reading. Will this course be good for me?

A. Absolutely! I created this course with different learning styles in mind. Just about every lesson has been recorded in audio format for those who are auditory learners. The lessons that are not in audio, have been done in video - so you have both audio and video.

Q. I don't like to read on the computer, what are my options?

A. Just about every lesson has a PDF file that you can download, print, and read in hard copy.

Q. What if I get half way through this program and I get stuck on something? How can I get help?

A. I know how important it is for you to create great stories and have fun doing it. I want you to succeed as much as you do? I plan on being there with you every step of the way.

  • You can get your questions answered by myself and other students in our private coaching group. It's an added bonus for all course participants.
  • You can send me your questions in an email. I usually answer very quickly because when I get stuck on something I want my questions answered quickly, too.
  • You can set up private coaching sessions done by phone or Skype if you want personal guidance for any aspect of your course journey.

Q. I have a friend who wants to record memoirs for her grandchildren but she doesn't have the time to take the course?

A. Good question. I provide recording and editing services for people who love this idea but who either don't have the time, or are at different levels of technical ability. Please check out the audio recording and editing services I provide.

Q. How is this course delivered to me? Is it sent to me by email all at once, or one lesson at at time? Do I have to download the course?

A. The course in not sent to you via email and you do not have to download the contents. It is set up online so you can access all of it immediately 24/7 with your personal login. You have the option to download each lesson, but you don't have to. You can take the whole course online. The course includes an automatic progress report that keeps track of everything for you. For example, if you get trough lesson one and part of lesson two, you will know exactly where to start the next time you login.

Q. Can I listen to audio memoirs other participants have created through this course?

A. Yes you can! CLICK THIS LINK and it will take you to a page where you can listen to as many stories as you like. I am continually adding new ones when participants send them to me.

Q. How do I get my 15 minute free phone/Skype coaching session?

A. When you are ready, all you need to do is send me an email to set up your complimentary session.

Q. How do I get my story on your website with the other e-course participants' finished stories?

A. At the end of the course I have a consent form you can fill out and send back to me. Then all you have to do is send me your audio story file and I will upload it to my website. It's that simple.

Q. If I'm ready to take the e-course now, what do I do next?

A. Simply click on the Enroll Now button below and it will take you though the enrollment process then give you immediate access to your e-course.

Course Creator, Instructor, and Story Writing Coach

Nancy Murdoch

I started telling stories when my daughters were very young. I made up adventure stories and eventually wrote them down. I'm currently turning these adventures into a series of children's books. I also wrote my own scathing memoirs, and 2 self-development books. And, I incorporate storytelling in my radio shows and podcast programs.When I recently became a grandma I realized how important it is for our grandchildren and children to know who we are as individual human beings who have suffered through hardships and celebrated achievements . . . and learned and grew through the good times and the bad. My grandson has no idea what it was like for me growing up in Motown during an era of racial riots, bussing, political assassinations, the British Invasion, Transcendental Meditation, Viet Nam war, Watergate, and Peter Max, whose art clearly expressed the psychedelic craziness of a history wrought with turbulent change. These experiences helped shape who I am today, but my grandson won’t know unless I tell him.My mom is in her mid-nineties and she lived through things I couldn't imagine living through and will never read about in history books. As a daughter, I don't care if my mom isn't a Nobel prize winner or wasn't a famous movie star. I want to know about her life. What was like for her to live through the Great Depression, prohibition, and cars that required cranking to get them started. How did she meet my dad, why did she fall in love with him, and how did she stayed married to the same man for 63 years? I want to know the stories of my grandparents and great-grandparents that only she she can tell me. And I want to hear them being told in her voice. I want to preserve her legacy.It made me think about how important it is to preserve my stories for my children and grandchild. And I know there are many people like me, who want to know the history of their families, and the trials and tribulations they have gone through. Our ancestry is a big part of what makes us who we are today.I created this business so baby boomer grandparents can learn how to preserve their own stories, and the stories of their parents, grandparents and family members, because I didn't get this chance when my grandparents were alive. But the knowledge and tools I provide is for everyone who has a story to tell. I love helping people tell their stories. When I first started writing and recording my stories I had to jump over a lot of hurdles. I had no idea if I would ever be able to tell my stories with the passion and emotion I felt when living the actual experiences. I made a lot of mistakes, and learned as much as I could along the way, and here I am. Now let me save you the time and trouble of learning the hard way. I promise to you that with your passion and my know-how, I’ll get you there too. I’ve helped hundreds of people tell their personal life stories in the way they want to tell them with this course. I promise to you that with your passion and my know-how, I’ll get you there too. PS: If you have any questions just give me a shout [email protected] MY MISSION: My mission is to help you bring to life your favorite memories and experiences in a way that is fun and exciting for you, and entertaining and memorable for your loved ones. BRIEF HISTORY:My formal training is in the Fine Arts, writing, audio recording, film making, TV, radio, media arts and healing arts. I recognize the innate creativity in everyone, and because I am genuinely interested in who you are and what you have to say, I can naturally draw from you the most important aspects of the stories you have to tell.Since 2012 I have been creating and recording my own podcasts and radio shows. In 2014 I trained new radio hosts how to start and record their own radio programs.My shows currently air on 1640 WJPR AM in New Jersey and several internet stations.For complete bio visit

Course curriculum

  • 1

    Welcome Page

  • 4

    Lesson One: 3 Essential Ingredients that Drive a Good Story

  • 5

    Lesson Two: 5 Key Components For Creating a Great Story

    • Lesson Two Overview: 5 Key Components For Creating a Great Story

    • Story Building Worksheet #2 - Lesson 2

    • Lesson Two Section 1: Character

    • Lesson Two Section 2: Setting

    • Lesson Two Section 3: Plot

    • Plot Diagram Guide

    • Blank Plot Diagram Worksheet

    • Lesson Two Secton 4: Motivation

    • Lesson Two Section 5: Resolution

    • Review

  • 6

    Lesson Three: Making Your Story Fun!

    • Lesson Three Overview: Making Your Story Fun!

    • Story Building Worksheet #3 - Lesson Three

    • Lesson Three Section 1: Storytelling Versus Reading a Story

    • Lesson Three Section 2: Giving Voice to Your Characters

    • Lesson Three Section 3: How to Use Sound Effects

    • The Mysterious Invitation: sample audio story with sound effects

    • Lesson Three Section 4: Fun Ways to Make Your Story Interactive

    • Sound Effects Resource Guide

    • 30 Sound Effects Zip file for download

  • 7

    Lesson Four: Downloading Audacity & LAME software

    • Lesson Four Overview: Downloading Audacity & LAME software

    • Story Building Worksheet #4 - Lesson Four

    • Lesson Four Section 1: VIDEO TUTORIAL: Downloading & Installing Audacity for Windows users

    • Lesson Four Section 2: VIDEO TUTORIAL: Downloading & Installing LAME for Windows users

    • WRITTEN INSTRUCTIONS with pictures PDF tutorial: DownLoading & Installing Audacity for Windows

    • WRITTEN INSTRUCTIONS with pictures PDF tutorial: Downloading & Installing LAME for Windows

    • Downloading & Installing Audacity for Mac PDF tutorial

    • Downloading & Installing LAME for Mac PDF tutorial

    • Technical Glitch?

  • 8

    Lesson Five: Audacity Control Panel Functions

    • Lesson Five Overview & Video Tutorial for all 4 sections: Audacity Control Panel Functions

    • Story Building Worksheet #5 - Lesson Five

    • Main Menu Bar Functions

    • Control Panel Toolbar

    • Microphone, Speakers & Magnification

    • Track Control Panel

  • 9

    Lesson Six: Recording, Editing & Saving Your First Story

    • Lesson Six Overview & VIDEO for all 4 sections: Recording, Editing & Saving Your First Story

    • Story Building Worksheet #6 - Lesson Six

    • Lesson Six Section 1: Scripting & Recording Your First Story

    • WRITTEN TUTORIAL with pictures: Lesson Six Section 2: Editing Your Audio Story

    • WRITTEN TUTORIAL with pictures: Lesson Six Section 3: Adding Sound Effects & Music

    • WRITTEN TUTORIAL with pictures: Lesson Six Section 4: Saving Your First Recording

    • How does your voice sound?

  • 10

    Lesson Seven: Output – Getting your Recorded Stories to Your Grandchildren & Loved Ones

    • Lesson Seven Overview: Getting your recorded stories to your grandchildren

    • Story Transfer Worksheet #7 - Lesson Seven

    • Lesson Seven Section 1: Video: How to Use WeTransfer

    • Lesson Seven Section 2: Video: How to use Dropbox

    • Lesson Seven Section 3: Sharing Your Stories with Others

    • WRITTEN INSTRUCTIONS with pictures: How to use WeTransfer PDF tutorial

    • WRITTEN INSTRUCTIONS with pictures: How to use Dropbox PDF tutorial

    • Audio Story Submission Request Form

  • 11

    Wait! There's More.


5 star rating

I love this course!

Hayley MacVicar

I am a new mom and have a super busy life with volunteer work, housework, and finishing my degree at university. Having the ability to record my stories for ...

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I am a new mom and have a super busy life with volunteer work, housework, and finishing my degree at university. Having the ability to record my stories for my baby to listen too when I'm not able to be there has been wonderful. He gets the comfort of hearing my voice and makes it easier for my husband to put him to bed! The course is quick and easy to follow along and the instructions are very clear. Thanks Nancy for making such a wonderful program! From new mom.

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5 star rating

Inspiring, motivating and I learned so much!

Bobbi Hess

My daughters LOVE LOVE LOVE my story and can’t wait for me do more! They are proud of me and I’m proud of me! Nancy’s course was challenging and a lot of ...

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My daughters LOVE LOVE LOVE my story and can’t wait for me do more! They are proud of me and I’m proud of me! Nancy’s course was challenging and a lot of fun! It made me a better writer and storyteller. I learned to be more focused and clear in how I tell my story. At first I was hesitant to take the course because I’m not really a storyteller and I didn’t do things in my life that could be considered amazing. But I really wanted my daughters to know what I was like as a teenager. This course helped me turn memories and experiences into stories. Nancy (the teacher) was always there if you needed her. She really inspired me. I can’t speak highly enough of this course.

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5 star rating

What a gift this course is!

Jeniji Lake

Thank you very much... and what a gift this course is! Having lived long enough to have most all members of my family pass away. It has been difficult to sha...

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Thank you very much... and what a gift this course is! Having lived long enough to have most all members of my family pass away. It has been difficult to share with my children and grandchildren anything other than old photographs about the generations who came before them. After having this course recommended to me, I am grateful that there is now a way for me to leave a legacy of this type for my own grandchildren and family, so that this may become part of a larger family tradition that future generations may cherish and enjoy. It's important to remember those who came before us!

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